A new attraction in the center of Zagreb

Travel Experience Museum

A unique museum in the world dedicated to the phenomenon of travel from prehistory to modern times. At the Travel Museum, we utilize state-of-the-art technology in presenting global and Croatian tourist attractions.

Spectacular interactive and multimedia solutions with VR and AR, LED room, unforgettable sci-fi journey, projections, and possible interactive exploration in various parts of the exhibition.

Virtual experience of exotic landscapes, deserts, rainforests, great architectural achievements worldwide. Unforgettable Croatian natural and cultural landmarks under UNESCO protection. The unique beauty of the Adriatic Sea, coastline, cities, and over a thousand islands.

All visitors from around the world, of all ages, entire families can participate in processes of exploration, education, experiencing something new, having fun individually or with friends!

Travel provides a unique experience of emotions, new experiences, fun, education, discovering new destinations and places.

The entire concept of the Travel Experience Museum </strong> will be continuously updated and upgraded with new content and themes, aiming to make your stay in our Travel Museum as rich and interesting as possible.


The Travel Experience Museum is located in the heart of Zagreb, near Ban J. Jelačić Square, Neboder passage, Ilica 1. . Thousands of tourists coming to Zagreb have a new attractive cultural-tourist offer in the heart of the capital of the Republic of Croatia.

Tue-Sun: from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Friday (long): from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm

Monday: Closed

Adults: 11.00 €

Students: 8.50 €

Adults older than 65 years: 8.50 €

Children up to 5 years old: Free entry

Children and young people (5-18 years): 7.50 €

Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children): 34.00 €

Professional guidance (45 min), Croatian and English language: 40.00 €


For group visits of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, according to announcement and agreement, GRATIS provided guidance through the exhibition space. Educational and creative workshops for the aforementioned group visits, upon announcement and agreement with the leaders of the educational workshops.

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Contact us

Neboder passage, Ilica 1, Zagreb

    Be somewhere you've never been once a year.

    Dalai Lama

    When you reach the top, keep climbing.

    D. Kerouac

    The true purpose of your journey is not the place on the map, but a new perspective on life.

    Henry Miller

    Who lives a lot sees. Who travels sees more.

    Arab proverb

    It's not where you end up, but what adventures you encounter along the way.

    Penelope Riley

    I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list.

    Susan Sontag

    A true traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving somewhere.

    Lao Tzu

    Investing in travel is investing in oneself.

    Matthew Carsten

    Nothing develops the mind like travel.

    Emile Zola

    Take a step and the road will appear on its own.

    Steve Jobs

    Uto ‒ Ned: 10:00 ‒ 20:00
    Pet: 10:00 ‒ 22:00
    Pon: Neradni dan

    Odrasli: 11.00 €
    Studenti: 8.50 €
    Stariji od 65. g: 7.50 €
    Grupni posjeti: za 15 i više osoba: 7.50 €
    Djeca do 5 godina: Slobodan ulaz
    Djeca i mladi (5-18 godina): 7.50 €
    Obiteljska ulaznica (2 odraslih i do 3 djece): 34.00 €
    Stručna vodstva (45 min): hrvatski i engleski jezik: 40.00 €

    Prolaz Neboder
    Ilica 1